National Treasure’s oscar winning actor nicolas cage gets thrown in jail for drinking & beating his wife Alice Kim in New Orleans Louisiana this Saturday early morning. Gee I wonder what his next movie project will be’ the buzzed life and times of charlie sheen?

Moonstruck Cher, Nicolas Cage

Will actors ever snap out of it once fame kicks in’ like thespians like nicolas cage they should know that they are role models as well as entertainment figures to fans of there’s and they also should know the media paparazzi is always hounding them and are targets to any kind of scrutiny what so ever? especially with social media now available its hard to get out of any lime light of stardom.

The Real National Treasure Hunter Is Keith Ranville

Related Story

Nicolas Cage arrested after ‘drunken assault on wife in the street’

  • Actor allegedly pushed wife during altercation last night while ‘heavily intoxicated’
  • He was taken into custody this morning before posting $11,000 bail
  • Oscar-winner charged with domestic violence and public drunkenness
  • Cage and his wife were apparently fighting over where they lived



Kate Middleton in a jelly bean image its possible oak island mystery has captured ghostly images in-stone stories of lore to oak island mystery were of a ghost dog and a pirate like druid monk it has been said by some in the oak island treasure hunting’s past oak island is haunted and I captured in a first time ever of these ghostly spirits beings caught inbetween of two worlds in stone? Hey you never know the world works in mysteruious ways whether its in a jelly bean or scribed in a oak island money pit skull stone stuff like this intrigues the mind, treasure is sometimes hidden in the mysterious? Related Story An English couple are setting themselves up to make a little money because of a jellybean with the likeness of Kate Middleton on it. The couple were visiting the Jelly Bean Factory when they spotted a jellybean that had a design on it that had a very striking resemblance to the future bride of Prince William of Wales. Wesley Hosie and Jessica White say that they almost immediately spotted the face of Middleton on the jellybean. They stated that it could not have been any better time with it being so close to the Royal Wedding. The couple said that they plan on auctioning the jellybean on eBay where they say they are hoping at least $1,000 for it.

First Nations

 Keith Ranville of vancouver


Amen for lenny bruce and his hard act to follow 12,21,2012 he may get his last laugh yet after jailed December 21. 1964 2 days before I was born, years later?…

Leonard Alfred Schneider dob October 13, 1925 to August 3, 1966 better known as lenny bruce one of Americas most treasured memorial comedy stage acts whom himself open the doors for many other great comedians after him. Although mr. lenny bruce was blacklisted later in his short lived life from many big named stages throughout the show business bookings in fear of stage owners getting thrown in jail themselves or shut down?

Lenny bruce may have been vulgar some on stage but its nothing compare to what we see on television these days? Even in the art of theater these days there are people that fear originality you see this same kind of ignorance in treasure hunting/researching. And I would bet in treasure hunting research years down the road while people watching tv or learning about research and say’ that I remember there was this native guy doing the same thing putting things together cleverly in on his own deal without ordeal.

December 23, 2003 on my 37th birthday lenny bruce was granted a posthumous pardon by a one New York Governor George Pataki

The Official Lenny Bruce Website

Blog News

Keith Ranville



Egypts ancient pyramids not 10,500 years as theorized pyramids shafts sphinx star aligned to-civilizations-arrival?

Time, times and half, :Daniel referring to the three great pyramids of egypt.

(Above in Diagram)

How ancient egypt would of looked 10,500 years ago? but without out the pyramids thus sphinx. 10,500 B.C is perhaps how old is ancient egypts civilization arrival to Egypt however that may have been done, the linage age of the great pyramids its age is recorded in egypt’s elaborate astrogeometry designs in regards to constellations leo,orion. So archaeologists may be accurate in dating the actual age of the great pyramids of ancient Egypt on being around 4,500- 5,000 years old?

After all king Solomons temple is planned to be rebuilt once permission is granted? Do you think Solomons temple then would be built other than to is plans from ancient scriptures. This would of went asame for the ancient Egyptians there plans of the great pyramids and sphinx to the age they would of been made to the era in which the plans were most likely designed by there past priests or the great geometry wizard of the universe.

Keith Ranville




Ancient Egypt’s recently deciphered calendar aligns to Mayan december 21, 2012 end of days doomsday date calander. Egyptian pyramids are time monuments in relevant to the mayan calendar these to ancient civilizations are related in similar ways as I produced in upper diagram.

Reference to theory


King pekow was discovered in his secret tomb in a “pyramid” masked in a jade mask and, beholded with a jade sphere in one hand, cube of jade in the other. Was king pekow holding in his hands secrets to the universe thus, the secrets to ancient Egypt’s pyramids I believe they were distant relatives that once beheld ancient mystic knowledge relating to our universe..

King Pekow

Keith Ranville


Ancient Egypts civilization related to Mayan calender through geometric encoded patterns? Orion’s belt cosmic clock maya hold time navigation’s on to several worlds?

The mayan calender may hold time on other worlds as ancient egypts as one of them “wow”? I believe we are descended from the stars, however reading into our ancient past may unlock this code in one form or another to our lost past.


Time fears the pyramids, but man’s 2012 times fear the  pyramids

Keith Ranville



CNN fabricating news to inspire bogus rebels in Libya simulated by America’s propaganda war for oil in middle eastern countries. Conspiracy is these rebels in Libya with weapons fighting there own government’ wouldn’t this be a terrorist act that the U.N is supporting? And where did the libya rebels get these weapons all a sudden to over throw there government?

What if this rebel situation was going on in the united states or even the u.k, france, canada ect. and a uprising was brewing up in the west or European governments and weapons just seemed to have drop from the sky to battle the u.n’s countries attacking libya right now, would that be a act of terrorism just what or who are the terrorist these days since wct 911?

People don’t be “fooled” this or these fantasy wars trumped up by the u.s.a is one big sham to get Saudi Arabia’s oil. I am not the only one that feels this way, I think America is pitching us a gullible kids story to us using cnn news as there fake news to lie to us! just what really is going on in the middle east don’t believe CNN its your most untrusted news source.

Imperialism, New World Order ect; Something is not right thats going down in the middle east it’ll lead us into world war 3, perhaps a coo is brewing by other countries like russia china..? right now against the bribed corrupted U.N

Keith Ranville


Video details below.

Video youtube by 2012 tv – CNN News fictional depiction of ‘rebels’, fake war, phoney invented rebel uprising. CNN fantasy world news reporting.

Georgia Guide Stones Sacred Harp

Georgia guide stones a mysterious musical code “sacred harp” harmony’s treble, alto, tenor,bass!

Georgia guidestones align with sacred harp

Fa triangled, sol oval like circle, mi diamond, la rectangle. Since there is a circle like hole drilled in center pillar that would be where sol would begin on either side of the drilled hole?

R.C Christian would most likely mean Christian Rhythm chords (chorus)? The georgia guide stones are in code tone with the sacred harp each pillar represents treble alto tenor bass.

Cree Code Breaker

Keith Ranville

Theory Published on Iphone


Oak island g stone related to new hamshire american stonehenges sacrificial ancient stone table.

Grooved rectangle around oak island g stone and on american stonehenge ancient table seem to be related? Although it is unknown to whom put the rectangle around oak islands g stone the mystery deepens?

Keith Ranville

Published on Iphone

Oak Island Code up for Sale?

Keith Ranville Oak Island News Contributor-More
research is needed to put this very long treasure hunt to rest and a
original treasure hunting film will help finance any such further new
research, solving this treasure hunt is worth just as much as finding
any such treasure, just giving this treasure search a better
understanding gave me a famous treasure hunting notoriety status alone
already . A adventure documentary or a feature length film would
generate a large sum in return on a unique story like my native first
nations treasure hunting adventurous story to this oak island treasure

Movie Producers-agents alike even some financier that could
see the of full potential of recording this native treasure hunting
excursion as a successful project to be and feels the worth of
documenting and documentary or movie form to this unique
treasure story is welcome to contact me

First Nations Treasure Hunter

Warmest Regards,

Keith Ranville Of Vancouver

Contact Me